Analyzing Uber Data

8 minute read

%pylab inline
import pandas
import seaborn
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
data = pandas.read_csv('Desktop/uber-raw-data-apr14.txt')

Explore your data

Date/Time Lat Lon Base
0 4/1/2014 0:11:00 40.7690 -73.9549 B02512
1 4/1/2014 0:17:00 40.7267 -74.0345 B02512
2 4/1/2014 0:21:00 40.7316 -73.9873 B02512
3 4/1/2014 0:28:00 40.7588 -73.9776 B02512
4 4/1/2014 0:33:00 40.7594 -73.9722 B02512

Date and time are string, we need to conver them to integer:

dt = '4/1/2014 0:11:00'
'4/1/2014 0:11:00'
d,t = dt.split(' ')

Another way to do it:

Timestamp('2014-04-01 00:11:00')

here we have nice functions to play with

C:\Users\hamad\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ FutureWarning: `weekday_name` is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use `day_name` instead
  """Entry point for launching an IPython kernel.


Now we convert the whole column:

data['Date/Time']= data['Date/Time'].map(pandas.to_datetime)
Date/Time Lat Lon Base
0 2014-04-01 00:11:00 40.7690 -73.9549 B02512
1 2014-04-01 00:17:00 40.7267 -74.0345 B02512
2 2014-04-01 00:21:00 40.7316 -73.9873 B02512
3 2014-04-01 00:28:00 40.7588 -73.9776 B02512
4 2014-04-01 00:33:00 40.7594 -73.9722 B02512
Timestamp('2014-04-01 00:11:00')

Let us create a function to return back date of the month

def getdom(dt):
data['dom'] = data['Date/Time'].map(getdom)
Date/Time Lat Lon Base dom
564511 2014-04-30 23:22:00 40.7640 -73.9744 B02764 30
564512 2014-04-30 23:26:00 40.7629 -73.9672 B02764 30
564513 2014-04-30 23:31:00 40.7443 -73.9889 B02764 30
564514 2014-04-30 23:32:00 40.6756 -73.9405 B02764 30
564515 2014-04-30 23:48:00 40.6880 -73.9608 B02764 30
Date/Time Lat Lon Base dom
0 2014-04-01 00:11:00 40.7690 -73.9549 B02512 1
1 2014-04-01 00:17:00 40.7267 -74.0345 B02512 1
2 2014-04-01 00:21:00 40.7316 -73.9873 B02512 1
3 2014-04-01 00:28:00 40.7588 -73.9776 B02512 1
4 2014-04-01 00:33:00 40.7594 -73.9722 B02512 1

Create another function for the weekday

def getwkday(dt):
    return dt.weekday()
data['weekday']= data['Date/Time'].map(getwkday)

Create a function to get the hour of the day

def gethr(dt):
    return dt.hour
Date/Time Lat Lon Base dom weekday hour
0 2014-04-01 00:11:00 40.7690 -73.9549 B02512 1 1 0
1 2014-04-01 00:17:00 40.7267 -74.0345 B02512 1 1 0
2 2014-04-01 00:21:00 40.7316 -73.9873 B02512 1 1 0
3 2014-04-01 00:28:00 40.7588 -73.9776 B02512 1 1 0
4 2014-04-01 00:33:00 40.7594 -73.9722 B02512 1 1 0
Date/Time Lat Lon Base dom weekday hour
564511 2014-04-30 23:22:00 40.7640 -73.9744 B02764 30 2 23
564512 2014-04-30 23:26:00 40.7629 -73.9672 B02764 30 2 23
564513 2014-04-30 23:31:00 40.7443 -73.9889 B02764 30 2 23
564514 2014-04-30 23:32:00 40.6756 -73.9405 B02764 30 2 23
564515 2014-04-30 23:48:00 40.6880 -73.9608 B02764 30 2 23


Analyze the date of the month:

(array([52721., 59680., 52581., 58631., 45427., 56764., 38781., 60673.,
        64697., 74561.]),
 array([ 1. ,  3.9,  6.8,  9.7, 12.6, 15.5, 18.4, 21.3, 24.2, 27.1, 30. ]),
 <a list of 10 Patch objects>)

linearly separable data

hist(data.dom, bins = 30 )
(array([14546., 17474., 20701., 26714., 19521., 13445., 19550., 16188.,
        16843., 20041., 20420., 18170., 12112., 12674., 20641., 17717.,
        20973., 18074., 14602., 11017., 13162., 16975., 20346., 23352.,
        25095., 24925., 14677., 15475., 22835., 36251.]),
 array([ 1.        ,  1.96666667,  2.93333333,  3.9       ,  4.86666667,
         5.83333333,  6.8       ,  7.76666667,  8.73333333,  9.7       ,
        10.66666667, 11.63333333, 12.6       , 13.56666667, 14.53333333,
        15.5       , 16.46666667, 17.43333333, 18.4       , 19.36666667,
        20.33333333, 21.3       , 22.26666667, 23.23333333, 24.2       ,
        25.16666667, 26.13333333, 27.1       , 28.06666667, 29.03333333,
        30.        ]),
 <a list of 30 Patch objects>)

linearly separable data

hist(data.dom, bins = 30, rwidth=0.8)
(array([14546., 17474., 20701., 26714., 19521., 13445., 19550., 16188.,
        16843., 20041., 20420., 18170., 12112., 12674., 20641., 17717.,
        20973., 18074., 14602., 11017., 13162., 16975., 20346., 23352.,
        25095., 24925., 14677., 15475., 22835., 36251.]),
 array([ 1.        ,  1.96666667,  2.93333333,  3.9       ,  4.86666667,
         5.83333333,  6.8       ,  7.76666667,  8.73333333,  9.7       ,
        10.66666667, 11.63333333, 12.6       , 13.56666667, 14.53333333,
        15.5       , 16.46666667, 17.43333333, 18.4       , 19.36666667,
        20.33333333, 21.3       , 22.26666667, 23.23333333, 24.2       ,
        25.16666667, 26.13333333, 27.1       , 28.06666667, 29.03333333,
        30.        ]),
 <a list of 30 Patch objects>)

linearly separable data

hist(data.dom, bins= 30, rwidth=0.8, range=(0.5, 30.5))
xlabel('Date of the Month')
title('Frquency by Date of Month - Uber - April 2014')
Text(0.5,1,'Frquency by Date of Month - Uber - April 2014')

linearly separable data

for i, rows in data.groupby('dom'):

(1, 14546)
(2, 17474)
(3, 20701)
(4, 26714)
(5, 19521)
(6, 13445)
(7, 19550)
(8, 16188)
(9, 16843)
(10, 20041)
(11, 20420)
(12, 18170)
(13, 12112)
(14, 12674)
(15, 20641)
(16, 17717)
(17, 20973)
(18, 18074)
(19, 14602)
(20, 11017)
(21, 13162)
(22, 16975)
(23, 20346)
(24, 23352)
(25, 25095)
(26, 24925)
(27, 14677)
(28, 15475)
(29, 22835)
(30, 36251)

Another way of doing it

def count_rows(rows):
    return len(rows)
by_date = data.groupby('dom').apply(count_rows)
1     14546
2     17474
3     20701
4     26714
5     19521
6     13445
7     19550
8     16188
9     16843
10    20041
11    20420
12    18170
13    12112
14    12674
15    20641
16    17717
17    20973
18    18074
19    14602
20    11017
21    13162
22    16975
23    20346
24    23352
25    25095
26    24925
27    14677
28    15475
29    22835
30    36251
dtype: int64
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1e85e54eac8>]

linearly separable data

let sort the data by date of the month and frequency of trips

by_date_sorted = by_date.sort_values()

20    11017
13    12112
14    12674
21    13162
6     13445
1     14546
19    14602
27    14677
28    15475
8     16188
9     16843
22    16975
2     17474
16    17717
18    18074
12    18170
5     19521
7     19550
10    20041
23    20346
11    20420
15    20641
3     20701
17    20973
29    22835
24    23352
26    24925
25    25095
4     26714
30    36251
dtype: int64
bar(range(1,31), by_date_sorted)
xlabel('Date of the Month')
title('Frquency by Date of Month - Uber - April 2014')

linearly separable data

Analysis of hours:

hist(data.hour, bins=24, range=(0.5,24))
(array([ 7769.,  4935.,  5040.,  6095.,  9476., 18498., 24924., 22843.,
        17939., 17865., 18774., 19425., 22603., 27190., 35324., 42003.,
        45475., 43003., 38923., 36244., 36964., 30645., 20649.,     0.]),
 array([ 0.5       ,  1.47916667,  2.45833333,  3.4375    ,  4.41666667,
         5.39583333,  6.375     ,  7.35416667,  8.33333333,  9.3125    ,
        10.29166667, 11.27083333, 12.25      , 13.22916667, 14.20833333,
        15.1875    , 16.16666667, 17.14583333, 18.125     , 19.10416667,
        20.08333333, 21.0625    , 22.04166667, 23.02083333, 24.        ]),
 <a list of 24 Patch objects>)

linearly separable data

Analysis of weekday:

hist(data.weekday, bins = 7, range=(-0.5,6.5), rwidth= 0.8, color= 'green')
xticks(range(7), 'Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun'.split())
([<matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x1e85e996630>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x1e85e9a8e48>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x1e85e9a8860>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x1e85e923160>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x1e85e923588>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x1e85e923a58>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x1e85e923f28>],
 <a list of 7 Text xticklabel objects>)

linearly separable data

Analyzing hours and day of the week

data.groupby('hour weekday'.split()).apply(count_rows)
hour  weekday
0     0           518
      1           765
      2           899
      3           792
      4          1367
      5          3027
      6          4542
1     0           261
      1           367
      2           507
      3           459
      4           760
      5          2479
      6          2936
2     0           238
      1           304
      2           371
      3           342
      4           513
      5          1577
      6          1590
3     0           571
      1           516
      2           585
      3           567
      4           736
      5          1013
      6          1052
4     0          1021
      1           887
19    5          5529
      6          2579
20    0          3573
      1          6310
      2          7783
      3          6345
      4          5165
      5          4792
      6          2276
21    0          3079
      1          5993
      2          6921
      3          6585
      4          6265
      5          5811
      6          2310
22    0          1976
      1          3614
      2          4845
      3          5370
      4          6708
      5          6493
      6          1639
23    0          1091
      1          1948
      2          2571
      3          2909
      4          5393
      5          5719
      6          1018
Length: 168, dtype: int64
data.groupby('hour weekday'.split()).apply(count_rows).unstack()
weekday 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 518 765 899 792 1367 3027 4542
1 261 367 507 459 760 2479 2936
2 238 304 371 342 513 1577 1590
3 571 516 585 567 736 1013 1052
4 1021 887 1003 861 932 706 685
5 1619 1734 1990 1454 1382 704 593
6 2974 3766 4230 3179 2836 844 669
7 3888 5304 5647 4159 3943 1110 873
8 3138 4594 5242 3616 3648 1372 1233
9 2211 2962 3846 2654 2732 1764 1770
10 1953 2900 3844 2370 2599 2086 2113
11 1929 2949 3889 2516 2816 2315 2360
12 1945 2819 3988 2657 2978 2560 2478
13 2294 3556 4469 3301 3535 2685 2763
14 3117 4489 5438 4083 4087 3042 2934
15 3818 6042 7071 5182 5354 4457 3400
16 4962 7521 8213 6149 6259 5410 3489
17 5574 8297 9151 6951 6790 5558 3154
18 4725 7089 8334 6637 7258 6165 2795
19 4386 6459 7794 5929 6247 5529 2579
20 3573 6310 7783 6345 5165 4792 2276
21 3079 5993 6921 6585 6265 5811 2310
22 1976 3614 4845 5370 6708 6493 1639
23 1091 1948 2571 2909 5393 5719 1018
by_cross1 = data.groupby('hour weekday'.split()).apply(count_rows).unstack()
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1e85dcdb9b0>

linearly separable data

data.groupby('weekday hour'.split()).apply(count_rows).unstack()
hour 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0 518 261 238 571 1021 1619 2974 3888 3138 2211 ... 3117 3818 4962 5574 4725 4386 3573 3079 1976 1091
1 765 367 304 516 887 1734 3766 5304 4594 2962 ... 4489 6042 7521 8297 7089 6459 6310 5993 3614 1948
2 899 507 371 585 1003 1990 4230 5647 5242 3846 ... 5438 7071 8213 9151 8334 7794 7783 6921 4845 2571
3 792 459 342 567 861 1454 3179 4159 3616 2654 ... 4083 5182 6149 6951 6637 5929 6345 6585 5370 2909
4 1367 760 513 736 932 1382 2836 3943 3648 2732 ... 4087 5354 6259 6790 7258 6247 5165 6265 6708 5393
5 3027 2479 1577 1013 706 704 844 1110 1372 1764 ... 3042 4457 5410 5558 6165 5529 4792 5811 6493 5719
6 4542 2936 1590 1052 685 593 669 873 1233 1770 ... 2934 3400 3489 3154 2795 2579 2276 2310 1639 1018

7 rows × 24 columns

by_cross = data.groupby('weekday hour'.split()).apply(count_rows).unstack()
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1e85ddb2be0>

linearly separable data

<seaborn.matrix.ClusterGrid at 0x1e85dc35710>

linearly separable data

Analysis of lat and long:

hist(data['Lat'], bins= 100, range =(40.5,41))

linearly separable data

hist(data['Lon'], bins = 100, range=(-74.5, -73.5))

linearly separable data

we can combine both of them

hist(data['Lat'], bins= 100, range =(40.5,41), color='r')
hist(data['Lon'], bins = 100, range=(-74.5, -73.5), color ='g')

linearly separable data

hist(data['Lon'], bins = 100, range=(-74.5, -73.5), color ='g', alpha=0.5 )
hist(data['Lat'], bins= 100, range =(40.5,41), color='r', alpha = 0.5)

linearly separable data

hist(data['Lon'], bins = 100, range=(-74.5, -73.5), color ='g', alpha=0.5, label="Longitudinal" )
legend(loc= 'upper right')
hist(data['Lat'], bins= 100, range =(40.5,41), color='r', alpha = 0.5, label='Latitude')
legend(loc = 'upper left')

linearly separable data

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1e85cbdabe0>]

linearly separable data

(0, 100)

linearly separable data

plot(data['Lat'], '.')
(0, 100)

linearly separable data

plot(data['Lon'], data['Lat'])
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1e86149eac8>]

linearly separable data

plot(data['Lon'], data['Lat'],'.')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1e86119d550>]

linearly separable data

plot(data['Lon'], data['Lat'],'.', ms=1)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1e8614bdb38>]

linearly separable data

plot(data['Lon'], data['Lat'],'.', ms=1, alpha= 0.5)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1e85c717748>]

linearly separable data

plot(data['Lon'], data['Lat'],'.', ms=1, alpha= 0.5)
(-74.1, -73.4)

linearly separable data

plot(data['Lon'], data['Lat'],'.', ms=1, alpha= 0.5)
(40.3, 41.2)

linearly separable data

plot(data['Lon'], data['Lat'],'.', ms=0.1, alpha= 0.5)
(40.5, 41)

linearly separable data

plot(data['Lon'], data['Lat'],'.', ms=1, alpha= 0.5)
(40.65, 40.8)

linearly separable data